Thursday, June 20, 2013

When Children Start Correcting You...

To beat the boredom, we decided to make a list of things to do over winter break.  (We live in Australia.  Our seasons are mixed up)


--go camping in backyard or outback
--go to Telegraph Station
--make a pizza
--plant a letterbox
--family movie night
--play Monopoly
--play soccer
--bake cookies or brownies
--invite S over for play date
--make colored popcorn

Maura (reading over my shoulder):  You better not write colored popcorn, Mom.

Me (while trying to write down the next suggestion before I forgot):  Why not? 

Maura:  "Colored" is racist, Mom.  You really shouldn't use that word, but you can write what color.  That's not bad.

So this is our revised list:

--go camping in backyard or outback
--go to Telegraph Station
--make a pizza
--plant a letterbox
--family movie night
--rent a movie
--play Monopoly
--play soccer
--bake cookies or brownies
--invite S over for play date
--make colored blue popcorn

I could have taken this moment to explain context and how in this context, colored isn't referring to race therefore wouldn't generally be considered racist, but I'm kind of okay in living in the world where nobody calls anyone (or in this case anything) colored.

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