Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taking Inventory

My grandmother passed away last week. Two counsins (Will and Bob) and my cousin's awesome girlfriend (Anita) flew into town to drive to the funeral with us. Schatz flirted and warmed up to everyone, but had a difficult time remembering everyone's names...

After gasing up the Expedition:

Schatz: There's cousin Anita, there's cousin Bob. (Looking around) Where's Anita's boy?

(side note: Will is 35.)

Randomly taking attendance later...

Schatz (pointing at each person): Mommy...Daddy...Maura...Cousin Will...Cousin Bob......(thinking for a minute)...Cousin Girl


  1. Excellent! I was very glad to have been able to come along and meet the famous Schatz. Hanging out with all you guys was awesome. Thanks for everything!

  2. We had an amazing time hanging with you, Bob. I'm so glad you decided to fly into town and drive up with us!
